we are on a mission to eliminate
cruelty to animals.

Animal Nation is a non-profit Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Facility, Farm Animal Rescue & Sanctuary, and Domestic Animal Rescue & Adoption Center located in Westchester, NY & Norwalk, CT with a mission to eliminate cruelty to animals while spreading compassion into the hearts of all beings. For 20 years Animal Nation has been the go-to resource in Westchester, Rockland, Fairfield, and surrounding counties when it comes to wildlife, farm animals, and cats in need, receiving about 8,000 calls per-year.

February 2025 - Avian Influenza Outbreak

Animal Nation is sadly announcing our farm sanctuary in Westchester County has been exposed to Avian Influenza (H5N1) like many other facilities.

The organization had initiated many different measures to protect the farm, but likely the farmyard fowl have been exposed from wildlife. Animal Nation’s Board of Directors acted swiftly once signs arose.

Animal Nation contacted the New York State Department of Agriculture for assistance. Birds were tested the very same day and results were in fact positive. The organization has suspended any visitors and volunteers, allowing only essential staff to care for the animals wearing proper personal protective equipment. Westchester Department of Health has come on board to assist the organization. They will help us ensure that our essential staff and any volunteers exposed will be monitored and tested if they become symptomatic. Animal Nation is extremely appreciative to these government agencies for their assistance during this time.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC), and other health experts, have stated the transmission of Avian Flu to humans is rare and of low incidence.

As the organization continues to work to help as many animals as possible, please be advised our farm sanctuary will be on strict quarantine for at least 120 days. This means no animal will enter or leave the property. Only essential staff will be caring for the animals. Animal Nation will be continuing to work closely with both the New York State Department of Agriculture and Westchester Department of Health.

Animal Nation will continue to assist wildlife at a separate location through Department of Environmental Conservation and The United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

If you find deceased wild bird(s) you can report them to NYSDEC using this link: https://dec.ny.gov/nature/wildlife-health/reporting-dead-wildlife

If you need assistance with an animal please contact our hotline at (914) 400-6014 or visit animalnation.org

If you have any questions about Avian Influenza additional information can be found at the following links:

Animal Nation thanks our community, supporters, volunteers, essential workers and government agencies for help and support during this time.

  • Cat Rescue & Adoption

    Each year, Animal Nation helps more than 350 cats and kittens find their forever homes through our network of dedicated rescuers, volunteers, fosters and adoption centers.

  • Farm Animal Rescue & Sanctuary

    When a farm animal has been abused, neglected, or simply needs a new home, Animal Nation’s Farm Sanctuary takes them in to get them veterinary care and gives them a forever home

  • Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation

    Animal Nation rescues, rehabilitates, and releases hundreds of orphaned and injured wild animals in Westchester, Rockland, Fairfiled, and surrounding areas.

  • Humane Education

    Our Humane Education Program encourages our community to value the lives of all beings. We work with schools, boy & girl scout groups, nature centers and other organizations throughout our service area.